Tag Archives: Courage

The Greatest Love

Love was one of the most powerful weapons God used in redeeming Mankind back to himself; and that weapon is still very much active today. 

The Bible says in John 3 vs 16;

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his ONLY begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

Jesus was the only Son God ever had, yet, God was willing to sacrifice Him for the salvation of the world. 

God gave Jesus out into the cold hands of death just because of you and I and in doing this, put both Heaven and Earth in Great danger. 

Great danger? 

Yes! Because the fate of both Heaven and earth depended on whether Jesus would fulfil or fail in His mission. 

Jesus faced several temptations, yet, He overcame them all. He refused to be distracted in His mission to save mankind. Scriptures tell us that He prayed with so much fervency – not for Himself, but for you and I. (Hebrews 5 vs 7) 

He had the power to disappear before even when the soldiers came to arrest Him at Gethsemane.

But He said, “Not my will Lord, but thy will be done”. 

His great love for us made Him willing to sacrifice His freedom and dignity.

He even bore our curse;

Galatians 3:13 – “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:”

Folks, God’s display of love on calvary remains the highest display of love for eternity.

St. John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Even when we fall, He picks us up and wipe the stains of sin and guilt away with His Blood.

This is the incomprehensible love of Christ – the love that passes understanding.

If you ever feel like anyone hates you, remember that two thousand years ago, a Divine Being named ‘Jesus’ made the greatest love sacrifice on the cross.

Are you feeling hopeless or in despair? Look unto the cross and be strengthened.

If you ever feel like an outcast, Remember you have been adopted by God through Christ and you are now a part of God’s Household {Ephesians 2:12-13}

Rejoice and bask in the love of Christ! 😊😊

Written by Tolu-Taiwo Victor

The Promise with a Commandment

Joshua 1:9 “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

The Bible is filled with numerous promises of God even to the present day saint. Promises of God’s ever abiding protection and provisions are spread abroad that golden book.

These Promises are real, even more real than the words of man. God ensured they were penned, so generation to Generation would behold it and be strengthened to serve God.

Yet, a saint who just began his journey of faith, might look upon these Promises and even fall into doubt. The same promise which were supposed to produce faith in man, can produce the thickest of confusions in the same.

For the same Lord, who declared that His Saints are surrounded by Angels, can also permit His Saints to be slain by evil forces.

The same Lord who promised to give us everything we ever needed, sometimes, permit us to spend nights with empty stomach.

The same Lord who promises that none among His children shall be barren, for children are His heritage, that same God can also shut the womb of even a devout Hannah.

It is the paradox of the Gospel. That God’s promises of the best, are actually to strengthen us to endure the worst.

Peter called it the testing of our Faith.

In the aforementioned Bible verse, God appears to the servant boy, Joshua, to officially commission Him to serve as a leader.

Among the things that God promised Joshua, are,
i. His ever-abiding presence
ii. Absolute victory

One might imagine, that these promises would spur Joshua to laziness and laxity. Why fret over the battle when it is the Lord’s? Why train for war, when it shall be fought by the Lord’s Angels?

The Promises are too good to be true. The Almighty God has promised to always be with Joshua. The Servant of Moses must have cast his mind back to his master, and the exploits he beheld his master perform.

From the parting of the red Sea, to the manna from heaven, his master wrought so much amongst the Israelites, with only one secret; The Lord was with him.

This same secret what was The Lord was giving to Joshua.

Yet, amidst these enthralling promises, The Lord issues a command.

Be strong and courageous.

What was the need of strength from Joshua, when The Lord had promised to be His strength.

Has the Lord promised you greatness? Has He promised you dominion?
Has He promised you great wealth?
Has He promised you the territories of locality and beyond?

Glory to Him.
But I would that you also know that the Promises of God also come with a command to be strong and courageous.

This strength isn’t that gotten from hours in the gym. It refers to mental and Spiritual strength. It is the inner fortitude required to possess that which the Lord has promised.

This strength is faith. Though God has promised you, you will be the one to do the fighting.

Man fights, God grants the victory.
Though God has promised, you must wage the war.
You must wield the sword of the spirit, and shoot the arrows of prayers towards the camp of the enemy.

Again, I ask. Has God promised you something?

That Promise will never be fulfilled without a brave fight from you.

He promised the Israelites the land of Canaan, but it was already occupied by Giants. It took a brave fight from the Israelites to enter into God’s promise.

Strength is required, to not just fight for your promised Land, but to stand on the word of the Lord.

Strength is required when the Lord has promised you the best, yet, all you see is the worse.

At that moment, if your faith is weak, believing God for the fulfilment of His word will be difficult.

Patience is a form of strength. Patience is very much needed in working with God.

God answers prayers, but He does not answer it at our timing. Sometimes, all it takes is one battle to conquer the land, sometimes, it would take seven days of marching under the scorching sun, around a very wide City wall to conquer it.

Patience is needed to resist the scorning of Penninah and stay pious until the Lord gives the promised Samuel.

It takes strength to stay patient.

I shall proceed to the next command God gave.

Be Courageous, He commanded Joshua.

Courage is needed when facing a visible adversary in the name of an invisible God.

Courage is needed to live comfortably, in spite of the deadly pandemic.

Courage is needed to hold fast unto your faith, even when faced with persecution and threat of death.

Courage is needed to confront Goliath with a sling and a few stones.
Courage is needed to say no, to the carnal desires of the wife of one as great as Potiphar.
Courage is needed to stand for what God has given you.
Divine Health. Prosperity. The Salvation of your Children.

Courage is needed to keep seeking for an answer to these things.

Dearly Beloved Reader, as much as we pray for God’s promises, and His promises alone to come your way, we would be dispensing only a half truth, if we fail to tell you, that the promise of God requires Strength and Courage.

No matter what you are going through, take strength in the awareness of God being with you.

But how come He’s with me and He allowed this sickness to come my way? You might ask.

I do not have a specific answer for that question, but the ways of God are unsearchable and mysterious.

But from scriptures, we can see that there are several men, who faced what you’re facing, even while God was with them.

God was with Joseph when he was thrown into the dry pit and thereafter sold as a slave.
God was with the children of Israel when they were suffering for over 430 years in Egypt.
God was with David when he lived in severe hunger to the point of going to beg for assistance from a rich fool named Nabal.

God was with Daniel when he was being thrown into the Lion’s den.

God was with Jesus when he was being beaten to a pulp in the public.

God was with Stephen when he was being stoned to death.

God was with Paul when he was being flogged for delivering the possessed slave.

The Presence of God does not subtract us from trials, but it strengthens us in the face of it, and guides us through it, into our promised Land, both here, and in Heaven.

I wrap this up with an admonition to you, as the Lord admonished Joshua, be strong. Be strong in the face of these battles.

Hold onto the Promises of God.
Be Courageous. Fear not! No Pandemic shall end your life!

Believe the word of the Lord!

We are praying greatly for you, and we trust that God will surround you with His protection.

Again, I say unto you,

Be Strong.
